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Rivières de Lumières Festival


In a fun and festive atmosphere, we invite everyone to make a lantern and take part in a celebratory event in downtown Sherbrooke.

In keeping with tradition, the Rivières de Lumières festival offers three main activities:

To celebrate the festival’s 10th anniversary, we’ve tasked Poesie Poubelle to create a collaborative poem on the theme of phantasmagorical plants. The result is a series of four micro-poems, written by Yrlande Phaneuf-Ouellet, Gab Sanche, Alberto Quero and Félix Dion.

Discover the poems (in French only)

Produced by Théâtre des Petites Lanternes in collaboration with LaboKracBoom, this 10th edition promises to be a fabulous weekend, where we’ll share memorable moments of joy, light, and lantern magic!

The Lanterns

The lanterns are at the heart of the festival, and each year we offer you several ways to make lanterns and take part in the festival. The magic of the lanterns will light your way through the parade.

This year, we invite you to explore the phantasmagorical world of plants. Perhaps you’d like to create a giant lantern plant? A phosphorescent carnivorous plant? A humble dandelion that grows in the cracks of the sidewalk? It’s up to you!

Get started! Make your lantern and come to the parade!!

The Lantern Parade

Join us on September 13 and 14 for our festive parade. Let the magic of lanterns light your way.

The parade will start at 7pm at the Place Kassiwi and return to the same departure point, where the night market can be found. That’s right! We’ve listened to you, and this year the route will be a loop. The magic of phantasmagorical plants will guide us through downtown Sherbrooke.

Discover more

Be in the middle of the action

We need your help to make the Rivières de Lumières experience magical and festive for everyone! 

This year we need your help during the lantern workshops, at the night market and, especially, during the parade. 

What’s more, if you want to be an extra, you can become an illuminated gardener or a bird carrier, thanks to our special partnership with La Tohu!

The Night Market

Stroll through the Night Market with your lanterns, listen to a recording of live podcasts, take part in the entertainment and enjoy two great late-night shows!

Discover the Night market

Our Artists

Immerse yourself in the dazzling world of Rivières de Lumières. Our local artists will bring a unique touch of magic to the parade and Night Market on September 13 and 14

Our teams

Crédits Général

Direction générale | Véronique Barbara Viens 

Co-direction artistique | Cyril Assathiany et Kristelle Holliday 

Collaborateur artistique | LaboKracBoom

Direction de production | Rachel Morin-Denis

Direction technique | Miguel Turgeon 

Poèmes | Le collectif Poésie Poubelle avec ses poètes Félix Dion, Yrlande Phaneuf-Ouellet, Alberto Quero et Gab Sanche

Crédits Lanternes

Coordination des ateliers de lanternes | Gésäel Drouin-Vigneault

Animatrices des lanternes | Gésäel Drouin Vigneault, Maude Lemay, Ilia Castro, Rachel Morin-Denis, Kristelle Holliday, Andrée-Ann Lebrun, Cyriel Truchi-Tardivel, Gaelle Longpré, Geneviève Mathieu, Mélina Lapointe, Clémence Barbeau, Jeanne Lessard, Annie-Claude Collin   

Kit de lanternes | Diana Chong 

Exposition lanternes | Sandra Tremblay

Crédits Déambulatoire

Concepteur visuel | Simon Durocher-Gosselin 

Concepteur musical | Étienne Leclerc 

Concepteur éclairage | Julien St-Pierre 

Conception marionnette-plante | Étienne Plante

Création marionnette-plante | Étienne Plante et Philippe St-Denis 

Création marionnette jardinière | Ibé 

Mère mer |  Flàvia Nascimento 

Foumar | François Bienvenue 

Doltra | Sara Demers 

Ali | Bruno Gagnon 

Création des personnages Foumar, Ali et Doltra | Marie Lupien-Durocher

Artistes | Zoé HockHoussen, Cyriel Truchi-Tardivel, Marie Lupien-Durocher, Julie Duguay 

Musicien.nes | Elisabeth Besozzi, Elise Legrand, Gisèle B. Girardin, Lévy Leblanc, Mathieu Lacroix, Vincent Beaulieu, Étienne Leclerc

Merci aux jardinier.e.s illuminées et porteur.euses d’huards !

Crédits Marché de nuit

Marchands | Bases Essentielles, Fêtes Marycotton, Sara Beaudoin Lacasse, Sandrine D’aoust Archambault, L’écolo boutique, La nature de Sophie, Staatik, Artemysia Mystica, Baamcouture, Gina Munoz, Bobby Roy, Créations Ysmiir, Falang et Mexi & Co, Gina Munoz

Programmation artistique | Gab Padilla, Los Pacos, Félix Tessier Imbault, Olivier Lussier, Vanessa Courville, Félix Morin et Étienne Beaulieu

Bureau du Théâtre des Petites Lanternes

Direction générale | Véronique Barbara Viens 

Codirection artistique | Cyril Assathiany et Kristelle Holliday 

Adjointe administrative | Sandy Reuter 

Agentes de développement pour Rivières de Lumières | Jeanne Lessard, Gésäel Drouin Vigneault et Rachel Morin-Denis 

Captation et réalisation montage vidéo | Matthew Gaines 

Graphisme | Sylvie Forgues & Véronique Barbara Viens 


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