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Our Impact

Our creations are driven BY PEOPLE

The Petites Lanternes (PL) company creates theatrical experiences for all audiences that deconstruct the everyday, bringing joy and meaning to our fleeting lives. Active in Quebec, across Canada, and internationally, our team leads artistic collaborations open to citizen participation, whether for short-term projects or ongoing initiatives. In the Eastern Townships, we are strengthening our regional roots to develop a distinct and committed artistic identity. Convinced that the arts play an essential role in social ecology, the PL company ensures that its creations enrich the lives of individuals and communities, fostering well-being and connection.

Awards and distinctions

Laureate Artist in the community

Award presented to Kristelle Holliday by the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec as part of the Prix Les Arts et la ville for the Quatre-Quarts project.

Commemorative plaque

Angèle Séguin received a commemorative plaque from The Royal Canadian Legion – Branch 10 for the Monarchs Project.


Finalist for the

Prix Charles-Biddle

Kristelle Holliday is nominated for the regional component of the Prix Charles-Biddle presented by Culture pour tous.

Conseil de la culture de l’Estrie Cultural Development Award

Awarded to Théâtre des Petites Lanternes for the Rivières de Lumières festival. The Conseil de la culture de l’Estrie Cultural Development Award is sponsored by the CDEC de Sherbrooke and Société nationale de l’Estrie.

Mérite Estrien

This distinction is awarded to Kristelle Holliday for her outstanding achievements as general manager and co-artistic director of Théâtre des Petites Lanternes.

Hector Fabre Prize

Awarded at the Théâtre des Petites Lanternes on June 18, 2019. This award recognizes the boldness and determination of Quebec organizations or individuals who have gained international recognition for their notable contribution to the development of their region

Andrée-Daigle Citizen of Culture Award

Théâtre des Petites Lanternes was awarded the 2017 Citoyen de la culture Andrée-Daigle prize at the 30th annual colloquium of the Les Arts et la Ville network for the project done in partnership with the MRC du Granit that led to the creation of the work Comme un grand trou dans le ventre. The purpose of this award is to raise public awareness of the commitment of cultural and community organizations that are partners in local development. It highlights the commitment of cultural or community organizations to innovative approaches to citizen participation that have a real impact on the community or social life of local communities.

Cultural Development Award from the Conseil de la culture de l’Estrie

Awarded to Théâtre des Petites Lanternes for the show ‘Comme un grand trou dans le ventre’ from the Grande Cueillette des Mots du Granit. The Conseil de la culture de l’Estrie Cultural Development Award is sponsored by the CDEC de Sherbrooke and Société nationale de l’Estrie.

Quebec Citizenship Award

Awarded by the Quebec government’s Minister of Immigration and Cultural Communities, Yolande James, to the Théâtre des Petites Lanternes. The award was presented in recognition of the Résidence théâtrale TERRE project at the Centre d’éducation aux adultes St-Michel, designed to facilitate the integration, francization and employability of immigrant women through the medium of theater. To realize this project, the Théâtre des Petites Lanternes surrounded itself with five of its artists.


Mention from the Comité de vigilance et d’action pour l’harmonisation des relations interculturelles en Estrie (Vigilance and Action Committee for the Harmonization of Intercultural Relations in the Eastern Townships)

Awarded to Théâtre des Petites Lanternes for its Projet TERRE.

Special mention at the Gala Reconnaissance Estrie

The Théâtre des Petites Lanternes received a special mention at the event organized by the Sherbrooke Chamber of Commerce and the Estrie Regional Chamber of Commerce as a social economy cultural enterprise, in particular for its first creation with the La Grande Cueillette des Mots creative process, and for the very significant integration impacts achieved with the TERRE project.


Platinum award from the Canadian Yellow Pages Group in partnership with the CDEC.

Awarded to Théâtre des Petites Lanternes as a social economy cultural enterprise.

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Véronique Barbara Viens

Kristelle Holliday

Cyril Assathiany


Pour une dramaturgie sociale : La démarche créative des citoyens dans le Projet LA GRANDE CUEILLETTE DES MOTS

Ney Wendell, Groupe de Recherche sur l’Enseignement du Théâtre (GRET), Université du Québec à Montréal. Étude sur la dramaturgie sociale de la metteure en scène et dramaturge Angèle Séguin et son travail d’écriture théâtrale au Théâtre des Petites Lanternes. 2022.

Violences faites aux femmes et aux filles,
Le Théâtre social comme exutoire

Benoîte Labrosse, Magasine Sans Frontières, No 36, pages 17 à 21, Montréal, Décembre 2017 — Février 2018.

La Grande Cueillette des mots du Granit :
L’importance des arts dans une société qui se rebâtit

Kristelle Holliday et Angèle Séguin, Théâtre-Éducation : Pluralité des trajectoires. Groupe de Recherche sur l’Enseignement du Théâtre, École supérieure de théâtre (UQAM), Montréal, pages 14 à 149, 2017.

La Grande Cueillette des Mots du Granit : une expérience de création théâtrale et de participation citoyenne innovante

Angèle Séguin avec la collaboration de Kristelle Holliday. Chapitre 22 du livre « Lac-Mégantic : de la tragédie… à la résilience », Sous la direction de Danielle Roy et Céline Larin, Presses de l’Université de Québec, 2016.

Comme un grand trou dans le ventre : le point de vue des spectateurs

Danielle Maltais, Manon Doucet et Pier-Olivier Bouchard, Chapitre 23 du livre « Lac-Mégantic : de la tragédie… à la résilience », sous la direction de Danielle Roy et Céline Larin, Presses de l’Université de Québec, 2016.

Repères, théâtre et santé sociale. La Grande Cueillette des Mots du Granit

Revue Profession Santé, DOSSIER. Montréal – Janvier 2016, p. 10.

The Great Harvest of Hopes—Brazil 2010: Creating International Dialogue with Emerging Artists

Translation by Catherine Graham, Canadian Theatre Review, University of Toronto Press, Hiver 2014.


  • May 2, 2023: Presentation at the ACFAS on the Pôle culturel du Conseil de la culture de l’Estrie with Kristelle Holliday and Marianne Mondon of the Conseil de la culture de l’Estrie.
  • September 27, 2023: Quatre-Quarts presentation – bringing neighbourhoods to life as part of the Annual Conference on Municipal Recreation presented by the Association québécoise du loisirs municipal ACFAS
  • Kristelle Holliday was invited to speak as part of a panel organised by CALQ at the Arts + the City conference, on the theme of distancing performances. The Théâtre des Petites Lanternes was also invited to perform at the event.
  • The role art can play in building a sense of place. Kristelle Holliday, Open Engagement 2015: Place and Revolution, Pittsburgh, United States, 18 April 2015.
  • Friends with Benefits: Are creative collaborations between friends a good idea?, Kristelle Holliday, University of the Streets Café, Concordia University Montreal, December 2014.
  • July 27, 2023: Panel on the role of the arts and artists in the ecological transition at the Espace pour la Vie Biosphère in Montréal, organized by the Campus de la transition écologique. Kristelle Holliday, Nathan Biggs-Penton from Acting for Climate, Alexis Curodeau Coderre, formerly with the Campus de la transition écologique and Julie Bélisle, the Biosphère’s cultural officer.
  • March 5, 2024: Animation Hiverni-thé, a celebration of winter presented by the Campus de la transition écologique with Les amis de la montagne.
  • Social theatre in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Solutions in the fight against violence against women. Angèle Séguin, the Congolese artistic team and Maxime Allard from Oxfam-Québec. Conference presented as part of the GRET lunchtime, UQAM, École supérieure de théâtre, October 2017.
  • Les arts pour soutenir le changement social, Angèle Séguin and Kristelle Holliday, Power of the Arts National Forum, Ottawa, November 7, 2015.
  • Intimate Aspirations: What is the role of the connections, relationships and friendships one makes through the creation of socially engaged art? Open Engagement, Kristelle Holliday and Yaël Filipovic, New York, May 2014.